T3J's Organics

The T3J's Organics brand includes a wide range of product choices to help you achieve the look and feel you want in the healthiest, most nourishing way possible necessary for growth, overall health and wellness. Explore our full product offering to best suit your needs. Our products are dedicated to your health.

Why Choose Us?

Our Mission

Our Mission at T3J β€˜s Organics is to bethe leading natural, mild and organic Cosmetic Company by educating society andits environs of the benefits of using natural organic oils, emulsifying waxesand eco-friendly products that are high in natural antioxidants andanti-inflammatory properties. We have trained naturopathic practitioners tocreate high quality and eco-friendly products to improve quality hair, face andskin without damaging the environment.

Our Vision

To raise a greater awareness througheducating society about the benefits of using natural and organic cosmeticproducts while supporting our Jamaican farmers by choosing locally grownorganic botanicals to formulate and manufacture the highest quality cosmeticproducts to be used in every home worldwide. Encouraging greater empowerment,heathier living and job creation not just in Jamaica but the world we live in.


We would love to hear from you. 

Telephone: 876-755-0565 (office), 876-431-5151 (cell), 876-260-5680 (cell)

Email: info@t3jsorganics.com


1 Grosvenor Terrace, Kingston

Opening Hours


9 am -5 pm

Wednesdays - Saturdays

9 am - 5 pm

Closed: Tuedays, Sundays